Friday, May 22, 2009

what happened yesterday-2

Klunk. Ouch!! Klunk. Will you stop it!?

I thought it was my mom knocking on my head, trying to wa

ke me up.

Okay, okay I'm awake already.

I opened my eyes.


A pterodactyl was trying to punture my cranium with it's beak.

Good birdie........Go fly back to your mama..........Don't make

 me slay you........

I said. Trembling.

My hand gabbed hold of a rock.

I told you to go home.

With all my might I swung the rock straight to it's head.


It's head exploded into smitherines.

Blood rained.



Where the Hell am I?

I better get outta here.

It seemes that I was in the dino world.

There were no signs of civilisation nor any humans in fact.

What to do?

I just ran and kept on running.