Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dreams do come true

I couldn't sleep.
I was jumping up and down on my bed, thinking of the blood pumping day tomorrow would be
It was around 1 am that I finally slept.
I could still remember the dream I had that night.

Of fer cryin out loud! shut up will ya!
My alarm was bleeding my ears with its dreadful ring.
Got up with one eye barely open, brushed, showered, headed to the dining area.
What 'ave ye ruslted for I?
My slaves then presented me with a seven course breakfast of sushi, turkey, truck load of chicken, apple pie, apple creme puffs, apple juice, apple stuffed turkey, apples, and, well thats all I recall.
You have served me well my apprentices...........
So can we get our pay now?
What?! @#&%^ off!! U fools ain't gettin nothing from me!!
zoouuuu euzzzzeeee zshiiaouuuuuuu (lightsaber sound)
Yeah fool! stay on da floor where ya sposed to B at!
Pitiful creatures.
Majestically I strode out my utmost enormous mansion towards my garage.
Parked there was an array of artilery equipped vehicles to chose from. 
Any of which could single-handedly butcher Bond's puny Aston.
With such marvels to chose from I could only settle for the best, my shiny red Kancil :)
All of a sudden lightning struck a tree right above my car and it fell on me to my death.

It was 6am.
My mom woke me from my beautiful dream.
I changed, solat then prayed to God for safety for the day, at least.
I was going to need all the blessin I can get.
At 8am sharp my dad and I left to SIC right after breakfast.

The few RX8s, Beemers, Porshes, and Superamericas didn't fill up much space at the carpark.
Sepang wasn't as hyped as i'd always thought it was.
It almost looks deserted actually.
The registry table was one receptionist short.
takde org ke?
Out of the blue some guy came to register us.
Did he just like dropped from the ceiling or sumthin?
My dad then joined his collegues for a chat.
Amongst us I was the only kid.

i just turned lazy so the rest of the post i've shortened

We were led to a large patch of tarmac where 7 Cayman Ss were parked each with SIDRA stickers and bodypaint.
Every participant except me were handed keys and an instructor each and got to drive around cones n stuff.
Some went way off the third bend.
My dad clocked in a minute 20 secs.
The fastest of the day had a time of 1:16 but Karamjit Singh who was an instructor said that even that was slow.
After that sessions we went to the Sepang circuit which was the sole reason anyone would even bother to care for about this piece of asphalt-to race.
Again I was not allowed to drive instead I could just wath them from the side.
As I watched from nowhere a lovely looking lady came and stood next to me.
i was like is she having a photo shoot here?
then she said why are you just standing here.
Well I could ask the same about you.
I'm a driving instructor.
What the crap?! someone with a face like that to be working at a race track?
Thats doesn't sound right.
I'm not allowed to drive. Just cuz i'm still a kid.
I'm being pushed aside from instructin cuz everyone thinks I belong on a magazine cover.
How's about we head to the track
You kidding me? Let's go right now!

There were 2 test cars available.
She had the authority to drive me around the track.
We stepped into the first car and she fired up the engine with a mifghty roar.
Into first and away we go.
After the first bend she stopped the car and told me to switch places.
What?! Gile ke minah ni?!
The hell with it.
I won't let this opportunity pass.
As i sat on the driver's seat I was kept wondering, is she a freaggin psycho or something? Maybe she was on drugs. Maybe the heat was startin to get to her brain.
This was the first and probably the last time I'd get to drive around Sepang in a Porsche at 250km/h at this age.
I switched to N, revved past 6000rpm switched to first and let the tires rip.

The smell of burning rubber filled the cabin.
The car alshed forwards with so much brute force the whole world felt like it was left behind.
The sudden rush was so intense that i let out a loud, hysterical, synister laugh.
The more I drove the more daring I became.
I was gunning down the corners, faster and faster everytime.
7 cars I passed in just 29 corners.
I was speeding down a stright when i saw a blue coloured 911driven by one of Sapura Holding's CEOs.
I closed the gap, blazing on his trail trying to arouse intimidacy in him.
It worked.
He opened up the revs and sped a head.
This is gonna be fun.
We drove a lap with me close enough to him to sniff his buttocks.
Cmon move your arse already!
I had a few chances to pass but he kept blocking my clearence.
On the 2nd straight I stomped on the gas and shifted as fast as I could in hopes of catching up, but his Turbo was too powerful compared to what I was driving.
With 50m in the lead we headed to the last bend.
Luck was finally on my side as he braked too hard and too early.

Right now.
My golden ticket to victory.
There was a wide opening infront of me.
I took my foot of the pedal and glided round the apex.
Halway into the turn I hit the brahes real hard and down shifted from fourth to second.
The engined stalled so much that it redlined past 8000rpm.
At just the right moment I stomped the throttle with both feet pushing it as far as it could go.
The dial climbed all the way up to 210km/h.
We were neck and neck, edging closer to the finish.
The 10 second dose of adrenaline ecstasy finally ended in either a tie or one of us edged the other with the margin of a pebble.

1026 words I think