Tuesday, May 12, 2009

that wedding i went to pt. 1

It was 10 am on a rainy sunday morning. A song was playing on the radio. Coincidentally the lyrics were 'Sunday morning rain is falling,'. "How far are we, I really need to 'go'," I told my mom. "We'll get there in a while, just hold it for now," she said. I had drunk too much 100 plus after the futsal match the night before and I had to leave for Seremban to attend her friend's wedding immediately the moment I woke up. I wasn't even gven a chance to shower nor go to the loo. My bladder felt like it was about to explode(!) and the bumpy road conditions were not helping ease the pain at all. After two whole hours of misery and suffering, the hotel where the wedding was venued finally came upon sight. "Mama, park, quick! I can't stand it anymore!" As soon as the car stoped, iI hurried out and got to the entrance faster than anyone can say I need to go to the loo and do Ma Thang! a 100 times. The receptionist pointed towards the toilet and I scambled in that direction with all my bladder's full of life. Nearly there. Oh no its gonna come out! urrghh, ahhh. Just in time. 

Peeing never felt better.
(pt. 2&3 below)