Sunday, May 17, 2009

Random stuff going thru my head

It's raining
just past eleven 
never thought id've stayed awake up till now when there're papers to sit for tomorrow
what am i doing 
why do i even bother to type this
just a couple of days ago i'd feel spirited and roaring to face the exams
now i feel tired
i pretty much don't know why 
this feeling is drowning me 
it's exhausting
it's hard even to think proper
maybe i just lack sleep
maybe its the intense taekwondo training
maybe its the long hours i spent cycling
maybe i've been drumming too much
too hard
maybe i should just talk to someone
yeah maybe i should

i feel like calling her 
i want to call her
i know she'd pick up
i know she could calm me down
comfort me
but i couldn't raise my hand to dial her number
i don't dare speak to her
all the while i know i've been neglecting her
it's just my feeling of guilt
it shrouds my strength
now i feel like i have no power to face her again
i could only smile at her from afar
hoping she'd forgive me for avoiding a meeting with her

its still raining
is it raining on their side of the world
maybe its another fine day
if only i knew
anonymous people
wherever you breathe in existence
anywhere in a corner of the earth yuo may hide or thrive in society
how far apart are we?
10km?100km?1000km? maybe more i say
god knows
the distance occupying us may be manipulated
but does the bond of family, love, friendship deter
by the oceans seperating us
how deeply i miss them
do they remember our moments we shared still
or are they now in much more bliss with the new people around them

petty problems as these are really costing me
i'm starting to lose all concentration