Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bring On The Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My cousin and I just got home from the mosque.
Played some games a bit.
Nothing to do la.
Damn bored.

Hei Idzham, jom pegi beli lighter.

We immediately left to Shell.
I bought 4 lighters.
A miniscule amount.
But enough to burn a whole through someone's head.

I paid at the counter with a 50 and almost walked out leaving my lighters on the counter.
Hakim, tak ambik baki ke?
I nearly left 43 bucks without noticing.

Soon night fell.
And we found ourselves at our uncle's house for dinner.
That giant steamed fish I had was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh...................
I ate enough too keep myself seated in the toilet for hours.
Habis pun.
Everyone was now settling the food down .

Him and I sneaked out with our modified lighters, shieldtox, ridsect, OFF.
What's been kept in for months now could finally se UNLEASHED!

Crickets, cockroaches, caterpillars, frogs, cats, trees, our stubby fingers, cars, big balls.
Everything we could get hold of.
They each fell victim to our pyrolyzer hands.

Whoever's reading, be thankful that my lighters are dead.

My hands are slightly burnt a bit here and there.
Do I give a damn?
HELL NO!!!!!