Friday, May 15, 2009

the next awesome true story

This happened when I went to Sungai Congkak for a camping trip in 2004. The good old days.
I'll jump straight into the story.

       Few got carsick due to the bumpy road condition and hard suspension of the bus. After occasional stops we finally arrived at the trekking site lush with greenery. We were told the trail lead straight to a waterfall and the sooner we arrived, the more time we had for a dip. I love trekking so I didn't really notice the heat and sweat. After just about half-an -hour, some began to blackout. A girl in front of me looked as if she's dying or something. Her body was swaying left to right. I was like, oh God don't let her fall onto me. Then she fell. Oh fork. The both of us were godsmack in the middle of the trekking que. The teachers were either in front or the last in the line. She just laid there. Dead, I assumed. No one even bothered to help bury the dead girl or pray for her, why they didn't even notice a dead girl on the ground. I being human felt that if she really was a corpse by then, she should be laid to rest somewhere she'd be noticed. Then it came to me. The genius of Hakim struck again. I figured that if I dropped her of  down the waterfall, the rocks would tear her flesh, that way the river would get stained by blood. When everyone notices the red dyed water and the stech of blood, they'd surely realize  that one of us is missing. When the'd find out that she's dead surely they'd say something like awww, she's gone. nevermind, she had it coming anyway. What a happy ending I pictured it as.