Sunday, May 31, 2009




Woke up.
Clock was reading about 8 am.

My head.
I feel sick.

I got up and faced the mirror.

God, I even look sick.

My face was still stained by mascara eyeliner markings.
My hair was rock solid from all the hairspray I sprayed on.
My eyes were as black as a mouse.

My cousin and I.
The night before, we ransacked through our grandma's dressing table.
Treasure we encountered.
Lipstick, mascara, hairspray, gloss, hair gel, eyeliner, all you'd expect to find on a stylist's dressing table, all fell to our sinful hands.

Ooooooh..... Ultra hold hairspray.
A must try item to keep hair standing under the rainy weather of KL.
a little fixing here and there.
half a can sprayed on my head now.
Hmmmmmmm... Just a quarter of the can more would just about do it.
The perfect look.

Hey look! a pair of shades
I need to change my look to match it

I sprayed the rest of the can on.
Just right.

Oooooooh. Mascara.
A little bit on my lashes.
The rest on my face.
Celik-celik sekali dua.
A side burn.
Celik-celik sekali dua.
Overgrown connected eyebrows.
Mascara ink draws such perfect fake facial hair.

Lipstick. Damned lipstick
Mmmmm... kinda salty
I pressed it too hard on on my lips that I flattened the tip.
Lucky she's not here right now.
If she ever reads this she'd skin me and stuff me in a shredder.

You're looking so fine Hakim.

I now can proudly confess to be my grandma's grandson

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bring On The Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My cousin and I just got home from the mosque.
Played some games a bit.
Nothing to do la.
Damn bored.

Hei Idzham, jom pegi beli lighter.

We immediately left to Shell.
I bought 4 lighters.
A miniscule amount.
But enough to burn a whole through someone's head.

I paid at the counter with a 50 and almost walked out leaving my lighters on the counter.
Hakim, tak ambik baki ke?
I nearly left 43 bucks without noticing.

Soon night fell.
And we found ourselves at our uncle's house for dinner.
That giant steamed fish I had was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh...................
I ate enough too keep myself seated in the toilet for hours.
Habis pun.
Everyone was now settling the food down .

Him and I sneaked out with our modified lighters, shieldtox, ridsect, OFF.
What's been kept in for months now could finally se UNLEASHED!

Crickets, cockroaches, caterpillars, frogs, cats, trees, our stubby fingers, cars, big balls.
Everything we could get hold of.
They each fell victim to our pyrolyzer hands.

Whoever's reading, be thankful that my lighters are dead.

My hands are slightly burnt a bit here and there.
Do I give a damn?
HELL NO!!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dreams do come true

I couldn't sleep.
I was jumping up and down on my bed, thinking of the blood pumping day tomorrow would be
It was around 1 am that I finally slept.
I could still remember the dream I had that night.

Of fer cryin out loud! shut up will ya!
My alarm was bleeding my ears with its dreadful ring.
Got up with one eye barely open, brushed, showered, headed to the dining area.
What 'ave ye ruslted for I?
My slaves then presented me with a seven course breakfast of sushi, turkey, truck load of chicken, apple pie, apple creme puffs, apple juice, apple stuffed turkey, apples, and, well thats all I recall.
You have served me well my apprentices...........
So can we get our pay now?
What?! @#&%^ off!! U fools ain't gettin nothing from me!!
zoouuuu euzzzzeeee zshiiaouuuuuuu (lightsaber sound)
Yeah fool! stay on da floor where ya sposed to B at!
Pitiful creatures.
Majestically I strode out my utmost enormous mansion towards my garage.
Parked there was an array of artilery equipped vehicles to chose from. 
Any of which could single-handedly butcher Bond's puny Aston.
With such marvels to chose from I could only settle for the best, my shiny red Kancil :)
All of a sudden lightning struck a tree right above my car and it fell on me to my death.

It was 6am.
My mom woke me from my beautiful dream.
I changed, solat then prayed to God for safety for the day, at least.
I was going to need all the blessin I can get.
At 8am sharp my dad and I left to SIC right after breakfast.

The few RX8s, Beemers, Porshes, and Superamericas didn't fill up much space at the carpark.
Sepang wasn't as hyped as i'd always thought it was.
It almost looks deserted actually.
The registry table was one receptionist short.
takde org ke?
Out of the blue some guy came to register us.
Did he just like dropped from the ceiling or sumthin?
My dad then joined his collegues for a chat.
Amongst us I was the only kid.

i just turned lazy so the rest of the post i've shortened

We were led to a large patch of tarmac where 7 Cayman Ss were parked each with SIDRA stickers and bodypaint.
Every participant except me were handed keys and an instructor each and got to drive around cones n stuff.
Some went way off the third bend.
My dad clocked in a minute 20 secs.
The fastest of the day had a time of 1:16 but Karamjit Singh who was an instructor said that even that was slow.
After that sessions we went to the Sepang circuit which was the sole reason anyone would even bother to care for about this piece of asphalt-to race.
Again I was not allowed to drive instead I could just wath them from the side.
As I watched from nowhere a lovely looking lady came and stood next to me.
i was like is she having a photo shoot here?
then she said why are you just standing here.
Well I could ask the same about you.
I'm a driving instructor.
What the crap?! someone with a face like that to be working at a race track?
Thats doesn't sound right.
I'm not allowed to drive. Just cuz i'm still a kid.
I'm being pushed aside from instructin cuz everyone thinks I belong on a magazine cover.
How's about we head to the track
You kidding me? Let's go right now!

There were 2 test cars available.
She had the authority to drive me around the track.
We stepped into the first car and she fired up the engine with a mifghty roar.
Into first and away we go.
After the first bend she stopped the car and told me to switch places.
What?! Gile ke minah ni?!
The hell with it.
I won't let this opportunity pass.
As i sat on the driver's seat I was kept wondering, is she a freaggin psycho or something? Maybe she was on drugs. Maybe the heat was startin to get to her brain.
This was the first and probably the last time I'd get to drive around Sepang in a Porsche at 250km/h at this age.
I switched to N, revved past 6000rpm switched to first and let the tires rip.

The smell of burning rubber filled the cabin.
The car alshed forwards with so much brute force the whole world felt like it was left behind.
The sudden rush was so intense that i let out a loud, hysterical, synister laugh.
The more I drove the more daring I became.
I was gunning down the corners, faster and faster everytime.
7 cars I passed in just 29 corners.
I was speeding down a stright when i saw a blue coloured 911driven by one of Sapura Holding's CEOs.
I closed the gap, blazing on his trail trying to arouse intimidacy in him.
It worked.
He opened up the revs and sped a head.
This is gonna be fun.
We drove a lap with me close enough to him to sniff his buttocks.
Cmon move your arse already!
I had a few chances to pass but he kept blocking my clearence.
On the 2nd straight I stomped on the gas and shifted as fast as I could in hopes of catching up, but his Turbo was too powerful compared to what I was driving.
With 50m in the lead we headed to the last bend.
Luck was finally on my side as he braked too hard and too early.

Right now.
My golden ticket to victory.
There was a wide opening infront of me.
I took my foot of the pedal and glided round the apex.
Halway into the turn I hit the brahes real hard and down shifted from fourth to second.
The engined stalled so much that it redlined past 8000rpm.
At just the right moment I stomped the throttle with both feet pushing it as far as it could go.
The dial climbed all the way up to 210km/h.
We were neck and neck, edging closer to the finish.
The 10 second dose of adrenaline ecstasy finally ended in either a tie or one of us edged the other with the margin of a pebble.

1026 words I think

God forsaken favortism

Got home from school.
For the following one and ahalf hours all I could do was to have my lunch, pray and a few minutes so start on my homework.

Pretty soon I found myself on the school field straping on my football boots

Football tryouts started early that day.

The teacher/the so called coach wasn't there yet.

I, myself was already 20 minutes late.

How disciplined was he?

It was dark.
From what I could see it was just a mater of moments before rain would shower the earth.
So, we started without him.

We began to jog around the pitch.
5, 10, 15, 20 minutes.
Rain was falling heavier by the second.
Some were jogging looking half dead.
Others were lying on the grass gasping for air but rain seeped into their lungs instead.
I continued, ignoring the whole world.

The 'coach' was standing under the astaka.
Cursing and yelling at us.
I shouted Shut the@($*%!@up!!!!!!! and made sure he heard it.
He gave me a burning glare and said some crap while his head nearly exploded with rage.
I said 'ya! betul tu cikgu!'

The hell with him.

We finally started training.
But i wasn't played.
Instead he just ordered me to the sidelines.

I couldn't really care much.

I was too pissed off to play.

I just watch the others making complete idiots of themslves.
Only a few really stood out from the pack.
The rest were just filling the empty space in between them.

They've played  for an hour now.
I wasn't about to let this just happen.
So Sabqi and i both jus stepped into the game as defenders.

For the first time in years my playing turned aggresive.
Every other player who unluckily venrured into my territory I chased and brought down.
For the entire 30 minutes the both of us defended the keeper was just lying down playing with himself.

Despite our glorious feat neither of us were selected.
Some other knuckle heads who could barely pass the ball properly were chosen instead.

He told me I didn't play with balls.

I've got enough balls to rip your head off.
Don't make me try.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

what happened just now

i wrote crap poems
right after doing chin-ups

did that make any sense?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009



i'm just gonna go shower under the rain

Sunday, May 24, 2009

natural disaster


why la?

it's one of the days to feel emo

i've been in a state of emolution for 2 days straight now

i can't even breathe right

i'm fine with being emo as long as no one cares

but why is it that they, you, even wonder why i'm so?

what's worse is that some simply couldn't resist bothering me as i lay asleep on the table or when i'm staring far off into eternity

just let me be will ya

i have my off days too

I've got a stomach ache

Damn PJK is so gonna kill me tomorrow
May I.......................




did that make your day?

Friday, May 22, 2009

what happened yesterday

I was so freaggin bored.

Nothing better to do, really.

Know what I did?

I went to the garden with a spoon and started digging for gold.

Instead of glittering chunks of valuable metal, I found something else.

Something out of this world.

Something neither you nor I would've imagined to ever stumble upon.



I found this.................

A freaggin T-Rex skull

I could sell this for millions

The first dino skull ever unearthed in Malaysia!

I'd be headlining the news everywhere


I'd be living with all the fame and money a kid could only dream of!

But then,

the earth rumbled,

skies tore apart,

wind blew viciously.


Just when I had started to fantasize myself among the rich 

and famous......


100,000 volts of lightning surged my whole body.

(a loud sceam echoed somewhere in the deep caverns of Batu Caves)

All was black..........

what happened yesterday-2

Klunk. Ouch!! Klunk. Will you stop it!?

I thought it was my mom knocking on my head, trying to wa

ke me up.

Okay, okay I'm awake already.

I opened my eyes.


A pterodactyl was trying to punture my cranium with it's beak.

Good birdie........Go fly back to your mama..........Don't make

 me slay you........

I said. Trembling.

My hand gabbed hold of a rock.

I told you to go home.

With all my might I swung the rock straight to it's head.


It's head exploded into smitherines.

Blood rained.



Where the Hell am I?

I better get outta here.

It seemes that I was in the dino world.

There were no signs of civilisation nor any humans in fact.

What to do?

I just ran and kept on running.

what happened yesterday-3

I kept on runing and running until........



What in the world was that?

It feels hairy.

Then I looked up.


A giant tarantula!

 He was friendly though, so he let me take a picture with him

He became my new best friend.

here's a picture of his pet goldfish

For years we were inseperable.


JENG JENG JENG(drumroll)........................

T-REX came to eat us.


The tarantula or Bulu Man as I like to call him jumped of to safety leaving me behind.

You hairy useless 8 eyed freak!!!!!!!


Now I had to face a big fat cicak on my own.............


what happened yesterday-finale

Cicak Besar vs Me



Bring it on big guy!!!!!!!!!!

Round One

My Forkin arm!!!!!!!

it nearly bit it off


Round Two


I wasn’t about to give up so I used my………………





That felt really good


The Big Cicak came crashing down to earth

Besheeeeee booooooooooooommmmmmm!!!!!!


Look at all his teeth I broke……….




Then I woke up.

Hey! I’m back in my own time.

Now I can blog about the whole thing!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

i dont wanna write


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Random stuff going thru my head

It's raining
just past eleven 
never thought id've stayed awake up till now when there're papers to sit for tomorrow
what am i doing 
why do i even bother to type this
just a couple of days ago i'd feel spirited and roaring to face the exams
now i feel tired
i pretty much don't know why 
this feeling is drowning me 
it's exhausting
it's hard even to think proper
maybe i just lack sleep
maybe its the intense taekwondo training
maybe its the long hours i spent cycling
maybe i've been drumming too much
too hard
maybe i should just talk to someone
yeah maybe i should

i feel like calling her 
i want to call her
i know she'd pick up
i know she could calm me down
comfort me
but i couldn't raise my hand to dial her number
i don't dare speak to her
all the while i know i've been neglecting her
it's just my feeling of guilt
it shrouds my strength
now i feel like i have no power to face her again
i could only smile at her from afar
hoping she'd forgive me for avoiding a meeting with her

its still raining
is it raining on their side of the world
maybe its another fine day
if only i knew
anonymous people
wherever you breathe in existence
anywhere in a corner of the earth yuo may hide or thrive in society
how far apart are we?
10km?100km?1000km? maybe more i say
god knows
the distance occupying us may be manipulated
but does the bond of family, love, friendship deter
by the oceans seperating us
how deeply i miss them
do they remember our moments we shared still
or are they now in much more bliss with the new people around them

petty problems as these are really costing me
i'm starting to lose all concentration

Saturday, May 16, 2009

sambungan cite pasal camping trip kat Sungai Congkak

lebih kurang sejam kitorang memanjat baru nampak sikit air terjun nun jauh memandang. Oi letih beno. Tengah berpeluh ni, dahlah kena angkut minah jalan-jalan 2 jam kat tengah hutan entah mana tah. Biorlah. Kalo cakap pasal trekking ni aku layan je, pikul berat sebeso gajah pun selamba......... Splish splash, kedengaran bunyi arus memukul batuan kehijaun dilitupi lumut berkilau disimbah cahaya sang mentari (dem poetic shit). Itttuuu dia! terjunan air yang ku cari-cari selama mana hayatku bernafas ini. Oh sang bumi yang berputar di atas paksi sendiri(takde benda nak cakap ah), indah nian alam terbentang dihadapkan padaku, kepada makhluk-makhluk kecil yang menghunimu, menyintaimu, menghancurkanmu. Betapa OK, lets cut the crap dem, berat gile minah ni. Nampak je kurus macam lidi sebatang tapi ma'i(try to pronouce that), patah belakang aku dibuatnya. 'OK sume orang, LET"S PARTAYYY!!' jerit En Mazlan. Appo'ee(what do you think that means). Aku campak je awek tu kat tepi pas2 lari bertempiaran cari tempat untuk mandi. Nampaknye plan aku mencampak dia kat air terjun tu tak jadilah, maybe next time. Wooh, ada jugak tempat untuk aku. Thank God, Oh My God. Terus je baring kat atas batu. Air sejuk nak mati pun lantaklah. Beku otak aku. Nak cakap spa treatment kelas pertama, memang mengarutla, tapi lepas dua jam stengah berjalan2 aku nak kisah ape? Layan je la.

dirty pop

I plan to write a lot more slightly exaggerated stuff just for the sake of killing time

why'd you tag me for

I'm replying just to kill time
Rules and regulations of the tag; All 21 people must do this unless you don't have a blog. Write the names of 21 friends you can think of in your head. Then answer the following questions, say your guessing if you don't know, but atleast guess on all of them. After doing this, tag your unlucky friends to do the same.(Be honest, if it aint honest, it aint fun hehe)

1.unc salleh
6.bulu man
15.sheila majid

1.How dd you meet 7?
through YE as I recall

2. What would you do if you and 15 had never met?
i'd have to save 300 bucks worth of duit raya

3. What would you do if 10 and 1 dated?
They'd never date cuz 1 is married and 10 might just be in a relationship.

4. Have you seen 17 cry?
5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? 
if she dates younger guys, 6then maybe, just maybe, they'd make a great pair

6. Do you think 11 is attractive?
bleeach dsheaooshhyiaouw earghh. that's exactly the sound of me vommiting

7. What's 2's favourite colour?
every colour i hate

8. When was the last time you talked to 9?
months ago........

9. What language does 8 speak?

10. Who is 13 going out with?
a girl in his wet dream

11. Would you ever date 17?
bleeach dsheaooshhyiaouw earghh. that was really me vommiting

12. Does 18 secretly dream about 7?
LOL!!! i don't wanna answer that

13. What is the best thing about 4?
he's my mat salleh cousin

14. What would you like to tell 10 right now?

15. Does 20 want to be gay?
i know he is

16. Have you ever kissed 2?
when he was a teeny widdle baby

17. What is the best memory you have of 5?
every memory i have of beating him in 100m spints

18. When's the next time your going to see 4?
never again maybe

19. How is 7 different from 6?
7 has long hair, 6 is short haired all over his body

20. Is 2 hot?
only the time when we both lit up our pants and jumped into the pool

21. What was your first impression of 15?
she's loaded

22. How did you meet 3?
she transferred to our class from another school 

23. Is 5 your best friend?
i dont have a best friend

24. Do you hate 12?
its impossible for me to hate her

25. Have you seen 18 in the last month?
no. where was he anyway?

26. Would 16 eat something you cooked?
i'll force her to eat it

27. Have you been to 5's house?
i've only passed in front of it

28. When's the next time you'll see 10?
monday perhaps

29. Are you in love with 11?
i'm gonna vommit again. excuse me for a while.

30. Have you been to the movies with 4?
yup. at his house that is

31. Have you gotten in trouble with 8?
she's the one who gets in trouble with me

32. Would 7 you give a hug?
I don't kow . I don't like people touching me

33. Has 3 ever lied to you on purpose?
perhaps. no further comments

34. Is 11 good at flirting?
hah. he sucks so bad at it.

35. Do you know a secret about 8?
I might just know more than 1

36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18.
they dont know each other. if they ever met tough, he'd be drooling all over her

37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9?
we used to do everything together. my best friend

38. Have you ever slept with 12?
maybe in her dreams?

39. How long have you known 2?
since he was born

40. Does 11 have a girlfriend?

41. Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face?
yes, for leaving the country and never came back

42.Does 21 want to meet your parents?
that's so gay

43. How did you meet 11?
1 jaya

44. Did you ever purposely physically hurt 3?
never have and never will

45. Do you live close to 7?
8km close

46. What is 8's favourite food?
everything that's halal

47. What kind of car does 1 have?
i dont know. he's more of a biker type anyway

48. Have you travelled anywhere with 9?
the zoo, bank negara, titiwangsa, lake gardes, and i used to walk her home from school everyday

49. If you give 14 $500, what would he spend it on?
himself. lol

I changed some of the questions cuz they were a bit boring. I changed them before listing the names so nothing was pre-fixed.

Friday, May 15, 2009

the next awesome true story

This happened when I went to Sungai Congkak for a camping trip in 2004. The good old days.
I'll jump straight into the story.

       Few got carsick due to the bumpy road condition and hard suspension of the bus. After occasional stops we finally arrived at the trekking site lush with greenery. We were told the trail lead straight to a waterfall and the sooner we arrived, the more time we had for a dip. I love trekking so I didn't really notice the heat and sweat. After just about half-an -hour, some began to blackout. A girl in front of me looked as if she's dying or something. Her body was swaying left to right. I was like, oh God don't let her fall onto me. Then she fell. Oh fork. The both of us were godsmack in the middle of the trekking que. The teachers were either in front or the last in the line. She just laid there. Dead, I assumed. No one even bothered to help bury the dead girl or pray for her, why they didn't even notice a dead girl on the ground. I being human felt that if she really was a corpse by then, she should be laid to rest somewhere she'd be noticed. Then it came to me. The genius of Hakim struck again. I figured that if I dropped her of  down the waterfall, the rocks would tear her flesh, that way the river would get stained by blood. When everyone notices the red dyed water and the stech of blood, they'd surely realize  that one of us is missing. When the'd find out that she's dead surely they'd say something like awww, she's gone. nevermind, she had it coming anyway. What a happy ending I pictured it as.

for my next post............

it's coming up much much later.

in the meanwhile i'll just write some crap n stuff n more

Thursday, May 14, 2009

the wedding i went to pt. 4

    The food tasted less than appetizing. The fried rice was only lightly salted and the mutton curry was bland. Bride on a diet perhaps? Anyway, as I unwillingly ate, my eyes came across a drop-dead gorgeous bombshell on the other end of the room. For a moment I stared at her. Mouth wide open. Some of the rice in my mouth were falling out. My spooon just dropped out of my left hand. Gulp. Everything went down. I stood up and made my way towards her, pushing every hopping-mad dancing loony blocking my way. 

     She was standing right in front of me now. I said a friendly hello, she looked up at me and replied with the most beautiful smile.

      I took her hand and said (this really came to me on the fly),"When you smile I melt inside, I'm not  worthy for a minute of your time. I really wish it was only me and you, I'm jealous of everybody in the room. Please don't look at me with those eyes, please don't hint that your capable of lies. I dread the thought of all your love and bliss, a target theat i'm probably gonna miss,". lesson of love no.13 : reciting poems to a girl makes you sweat.

       She gave me another smile. Now I was really going to melt.

       She grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the middle of the dancefloor. My heart was pounding. The last time I ever danced with a girl in my arms was way back when i was 6 years old. I was as nervous as ever. I was held helpless in her arms. The music started playing. All of a sudden my awkwardness vanished. My body began moving on its own. I could only wish the moment had lasted forever, but wishes will forever remain as is don't you think? 

        Pretty soon the time came for her to leave. We spoke goodbye and she gave me yet another of her unforgettable smiles. I could've just died right there. I never  saw her again since she walked out of the room.

         Nothing about the wedding really mattered after that. I was just drooling at the thought of her. We went home shortly later. 

         Guess what I found out the next day. The girl had written her number on a tissue and slid it into my pocket, but for all my luck's sake it was destroyed when I washed my pants in the machine. AAARRRGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A rainbowed variety of curses and swears just slipped of my tounge. 

THe eND :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

that wedding i went to pt. 1

It was 10 am on a rainy sunday morning. A song was playing on the radio. Coincidentally the lyrics were 'Sunday morning rain is falling,'. "How far are we, I really need to 'go'," I told my mom. "We'll get there in a while, just hold it for now," she said. I had drunk too much 100 plus after the futsal match the night before and I had to leave for Seremban to attend her friend's wedding immediately the moment I woke up. I wasn't even gven a chance to shower nor go to the loo. My bladder felt like it was about to explode(!) and the bumpy road conditions were not helping ease the pain at all. After two whole hours of misery and suffering, the hotel where the wedding was venued finally came upon sight. "Mama, park, quick! I can't stand it anymore!" As soon as the car stoped, iI hurried out and got to the entrance faster than anyone can say I need to go to the loo and do Ma Thang! a 100 times. The receptionist pointed towards the toilet and I scambled in that direction with all my bladder's full of life. Nearly there. Oh no its gonna come out! urrghh, ahhh. Just in time. 

Peeing never felt better.
(pt. 2&3 below)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

nothing really

i wish i broke my arm or leg.

that way i could just whack anyone with my plaster cast.

that wedding i went to pt 3

   Everyone was silent as the presiding priest spoke blessings for the marriage. After the words I do’ were preached, the wedding reception started. The newly wedded stepped to the dance floor and a live band started playing a song called ‘Dance Dance’ popularized by FOB. Funnily, the two started jitterbugging to such a rocking song. As the song ended, the guests were given a chance to dance. Everyone stood up and partied as the band played numbers from FOB and Blink 182. I could not help but headbang and sing to the loud music. Then, I heard my mom say,” Hakim, let’s get some food”. Getting to the buffet table was quite a challenge as many up dancing like there was no tomorrow. There was a variety of food to choose from. Some guestsonly took a small portion of food while others took a bit of everything.I, as a muslim the picked food in moderation.

Saturday, May 9, 2009




Friday, May 8, 2009

that wedding i went to pt. 2

We rushed to the grand ball room where the wedding took place. "Welcome! Thanks for coming", we were greeted by total strangers, most probably the bride's relatives. Icould see around 200 other guests in the ball room. Among the guests werea few celebrities too well known to be mentioned in this article."Man, she must have some social life," I whispered to myself. We took our seats in the middle of the ballroom as the wedding started to take place. I noticed the table was covered with an elegant cream coloured tablecloth complete with large wavy frings to add flamboyance. It looked more suitable on the bride than the gown she was wearing. there was a large bouquet of violet and pink roses neatly arranged in the center of the table. The square porcelain plates and japanese_made silverware were so shiny that I could see my reflection in it. I was too occupied with the table arrangement to even notice the wedding that was happening.

Monday, May 4, 2009

beautiful day

the wind was blowing.
spots of clouds were visibly scatterd in the sky.
the humongous bright ball of burning inferno up above was shining, alighting the earth it shone upon.
perfect weather.

my red shiny bike(macam kanak kanak ribena je), was parked right outside, under the porch on the verandah.
didnt mean to but i unpurposedly glanced at the bike thru the window.
i knew the weather and time was just perfect, but after 150 minutes of intensetaekwondo training last night, my body could barely move.
as tired as i was i just couldnt resist temptation. the bike seemed to be calling out to me so strongly.

went outside, sat on da bike, rolled out Zzt Zzt Autobots roll out.

sped downhill. break neck speed. neighboor driving. collsion course.
oH sHit!!!
managed to swerve away just in time.
hell that was close, but who cares?

wuz cycling under the lrt rails and saw a drunk cock and a junkie high on drugs or sumthin. 
on crack in broad daylight? arnt they sick or what?
only god knows.

wuz cycling past a apartment consruction site.
shit loads of immigrants working hard labour.
they were all building.
looked up n saw s couple of rocks falling down from the crane right above.
maybe it hit somebody.
thank god it wanst me tho.

wuz it a twisted evening or what

wuz cycling next to the highway. 
not many cars today.
a porsche just drove past by me.
must be a sign of good fortune.

wuz cycling in my old neigbourhood.
saw an old friend who kinda looks like c.b.k. walking to school.
wonder what for.

wuz cycling on a side walk.
the tarmac had broke cuz the roots from the trees were grown out of the ground.
cycled past a row of houses, turned into a corner into a culdesac.
and then just like an angel from the heavens, i saw the most gorgeous beauty on two feet.

white t. 
black slacks.
the hell with what she wore.
brunette with a ponytail.
skin as fair as vanilla ice cream.
i looked at her in awe.
guess what.
she was checkin me out too.

the bike was still in motion but my sight was glued on her.

I couldn’t bring myself to look away.

 next thing I know was the front wheel hit a root, lost control n was thrown of to the road.

 all was a blur.

there was a hole in my knee but just couldn’t feel any pain.

 Just laid there.

Stared at the sky.

 She came out of the house n was like R U okay?                                                                               i was like i'm perfect, never felt better.

she saw my wounds.                                                                                                                                    she started lookin so worried

she ran into her house n n came back with a giant bandage n patched me up.

are u okay now? she said.

how could i not be okay. i was touched by the hands of an angel. sort of.

she helpedme up , said sorry n went back in.

there n then i was the happiest man alive.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

less than fantastic

today didnt realy happened the way i told.

well first i woke up some time at 11 and was too late to go to baz's. instead i went to my cuz's house
n surfed the net a bit.

later went to bentley in damansara with my cuz to checkout sum drumsticks. no 1 wuz there so we
just took a pair o sticks n started hittin evrythin. we were playin so loud that i could feel the floor tremble. so damn cool!
settled buyin a pair of zildjians.

later ate at BK across the street. when we finished eatin, we refilled our cups to da brim then threw them in a bin right outside da door.

at 4.30 we met unc lan at his studio. never expected it but his studio was so damn big i could fit a whale in it. hah. guitars were great, amps were cool there was a stack of keyboards ready to be played, and the drums were sick specially da double bass pedal. i couldnt hold back. i sat facing the drums, took my shirt of,held my sticks tight, counted to four, n let loose evrythin ive held back. i played like nothin else matered. i played for 2 hours straight. time flew a without me realizing it. the feeling was so intense n relieving. when i finished, i just fell down and laid on the floor.
all my energy was drained out, but i just couldnt care.

that night i had sum BBQed ribs for dinner, n man did i eat much!!

thts all for tonite's post,

see ya

Friday, May 1, 2009

umm...well i dont know

tomorrow was a very tiring day. it was sort of a day for running around goin evrywhr doin evrythn meetin evry1 n suff

mrnin i went to baz's house n jammed with a few pals. aint braggin but they cant play scrap
tried teachin them how 2 play da guitar bass n drums but none could keep up
i yelled wo hen men counted to 3 just started bashin n smashin da drums out of frustration.

n e way, i went to yamaha music in ampang point right after dat with uncawo n cuz idzham.
we checked out some bass guitars  and electric drums.  choosin a bass is pretty easy but whn it comes to drums it takes 4ever. i tried out a kit 4 like 10 secs thn told the worker my acoustic kit sounded a gazillion times better. he was desprate to get a sale so allowed me to try em as much as i want. i played 4 2 hrs n nearly destroyed the kit.

later i went to see wolverine at klcc. well actually i didnt see wolverine tomorrow
gotta split, much love