Monday, June 8, 2009

vampire fangs

that's what I'm wearing this very second.

they're black
they're long
they're pointy
they're drumsticks

can't stop chewing them
they taste so godsmack salty.
every pair carries a different taste

think jellybeans
just very long
sticking out of your mouth
non chewable


Temperature 18 degrees.
Altitude I'd say 90 metres above sea
Wind speed -0
Location KL


Bloody nose.
bloody cold.
Bloody headache.

I'm walking into a hospital
Should i even be bothered?
There's an abundance of doctors here.
Surely any of them could do something to relieve my suffering.


I was carrying my bag up to the 3rd floor.
Tonight I was staying with my grandma in her ward.
Mind you but her ward was such a lava hot place to be in.
My mom spent the night there the other day.
She claimed to have nearly freezed to death.


Feels like another hot day in my stuffy room with the fan turned off.

nevermind that.

All i had to do was take my jacket off.

She was still asleep.
I took a seat and senyap-senyap ate her sandwich.

Lapar lagi la

I opened the closet ad found a stash of maggi.

Apa lagi?
Tibai sampai habis

Crop I messed up the table.
Wipe wipe wipe.

Now do the dishes.
Soap soap soap.
Wipe wipe wipe.

One of the cups dropped to the floor.


She woke up.

First thing she said
Hakim, buat maggi. Tok lapar ni.

I had just finished the last packet.

Tok , maggi dah habis lah.

Hah? semalam Tok ingat ade lagi.

Ade hantu makan kot.

Hospital kan banyak setan sikit.

Then she looked at me right in the eyes

Hakim. Ade kari kat baju.
Datang dari mane tu?

Oh hot dem!

She found out.

Then I sighed and confessed.

Tok, tadi ade nurse datang kemas bilik. Dia nampak maggi tinggal sepeket.pastu dia suruh Hakim makan sebab kalo tak die nak buang.
Jadi terpaksalah.
Kalo bazir nanti berdosa.

Then she hit me in the head.

Pergi kemas pinggan cepat!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Tok.................................

Dem sleepy that night.

I was asleep by just 12:45 am.
What an astonishing feat.
Maybe it was because golf was on tv.

Woke up later at 7 am.

Ngantuk gile babeng.

A nurse came in with brakfast.
Hers not mine.

So I waited.

And waited.

She got of her bed and went into the toilet.

Now's my chance

I quickly wollaped half her capati in one bite.

I swallowed and quickly got back to the recliner I was lying on.

She came out and saw her plate.

What is this!?

I left with the whole bread there and now only half's left?!

So I said
Nurse tu datang lagi sekali