Friday, June 5, 2009

the spell of June

The 2nd

So woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Emo and grumpy all day.

I felt like killing everyone with the plastic spoon in my hand.

Darn the whole world.

Why you may ask?

Because the same petty pathetic problems keep landing on my shoulders.

Every time I get to the peak of solving them something would go horribly wrong.

Every single time i try to say or do anything I'd mess up.

When that happens others will get hurt.

Knowing that I had dissapointed and upset these dear people burns a giant hole thru my heart and my mind.

I'm being driven out of my bloody head.

And typing this isn't making anything better.

The 3rd

8:00 am

Woke up on the ugly side of bed again.

What am I, jinxed or something?

God my head hurts.

My hair was all over the place.

10:00 am.

Hakim cepat mandi. Dah nak pergi dah ni.

Forcefully my body dragged itself towards into the bath.

Turned the tap and let the water run.

Nice to feel cold water over my body.

I was so dizzy that I forgot to take my pants of before showering.

Boxers just about to get wet now.

11:05 am

Left for 1U.

We were supposed to eat at Shogun.

Unfortunately the place was in full house.

So we canceled our reservation and went down a floor to Carl's Jr for a bite.

11:30 am

We ordered a 300 ring it bill.

I alone chowed down 50 buckeroos.

I was still hungry so I ate another giant burger.


12:20 pm

Stopped at a clothing outlet.

Didn't find anythin I liked tho.

12:50 pm

Later went up to the batting cages.

Finally got to take up bat after years of absence of baseball in my life.

Swing swing swing.

I hit homeruns one by one.

Each for every one of the ingredients mixing up to a massive head and heart ache that's slowly consuming me.

I only wish I were hitting some heads instead of balls.

That released much stress out of my mind.

The 4th

6:30 am

Mami.... What time is it?

Never have I woken up this early on a thursday

Air liur basi all over my face


Took my ablution and prayed.

Then dropped asleep on the prayer map.

Hakim bangun dah awal pagi dah ni.

Isn't awal pagi the time when the whole world is supposed to be asleep?

What the heck!

Went upstairs and gorrrenged the guitar for a bit.

11:10 am

Showered and went to YTM Tunku Abd Rahman's kelab bolf negara for breakfast a lunch(brunch) at the same time.

I turned up my lighter at full flame under the table to keep the dim sum warm.

Smells like something's burning. nevermind


Well i can say I've gotten fat now.

12:30 pm

Then we went off to usj18, my cousin's old house.

We were there to trim(more like chopping the whole thing off) the rubber tree in his garden.

vroom! vroom!

My unc fired up his chainsaw.



One by one the branches fell smack on the road.

Oh MADE@^&%#!!

The tree yelled in agony.

Forgive us Lord.

Forgive us Oh wise big strong masterful chunk of wood shooting out of the rocky soil right next to the toilet in usj18 subang selangor malaysia.




Fire ants were crawling under my shirt and pants.

Bitting where it hurts the most


2:45 pm

Showered and got my pay of 60 bucks.

3:00 pm

Went to eat chendol.

Sedap gile macam taik kucing.

I've never eaten white chendol ever

Such a racist chendol vendor.

What's happening in the world nowadays.

3:40 pm

Went to check out some music stores in damansara.

I saw the most unusual drumsticks in my life.

First there was a pair made entirely out of metal.

Made In China

No wonder.

I'd destroy a kit with those sticks.

But nothing could prepare me for what I discovered next.

A pair of 4 feet long drumsticks!

Each weighing 5 kilos.

Drummer manelah yang ganaz nak mampos ni.

Mestilah Aku! lol

Left the store with a handful of picks cuz boon hoe lost my last one.

4:40 pm

Went to another music store near pasar seni.

There were guitars still in their packages displayed right outside the store.

Dem doesn't the owner care about his guitars?

So I stepped in.

Dem right he doesn't give scrap.

He's got truck loads of Gibsons, Fenders, Ibanezes all cramped in such a small lot.

There's even a replica of Paul McCartney's bass.

His guitar collection must surely cost over 500K.


I was drooling over his brushed silver Les Paul.

Till I saw the price tag.

6600 godsmack ring it.

I'll buy three.

Then buy out the rest of his guitars.

6:00 pm

Went went to the hospital to see my grandma.

My widdle Cuz Aiman(gangsta mafia boss) ran amok around the hospital.

I thought I'd joke around so I told hm to kill one of the patients.

With an angry face he stomped into the closest ward.

Oh sh1te!!

He was actually gonna kill the guy.

I took him away but he insisted to murder.

My 1-n-a-half-year-old baby cuz is a hitman.


8:30 pm

Went home and ate durian.

Chintok, 101, udang merah, kampung and every species of durian in existence.

9:00 pm

Went to unc lan's studio to jam.

Out of nowhere my unc, UncAwo came out of the toilet and said,

Lan cuba check tandas kau, ade orang kencing bersepah-sepah.

9:10 pm

Strapped on the guitar and played like a rockstar.

Then took up the drumsticks and bashed on the kit.

10:00 pm

Went home and died on the bed.

The 5th

7:38 am

Is it morning already?

Who am I?

Where am I?

Apparently the bed sheet was covering my whole face.



My cousin had knocked my head to break off the morning blues I had.

8:00 am

left for Sg. Salak to fish.

I never knew that 20 minutes a way from uban Gombak lies a totally kampung area.

I felt like I was somewhere just outside the forests of Pahang on a road built by little people who'd just bloomed into a civilized commuity.


Pon! Pon!
(no, it's not misspelled for anything you might be thinking of)

A large group of chinese touirist (*I presume) were walking in the middle of the road.

As we passed them I made a cool face and showed a peace with my fingers.

That's when all the girls went crazy.

8:35 am

The water was rather clear.

I could see some sand at the bottom of it, yup a lot af sand.

Great Scott!!

The shrimp we were using as bait are dead.


I hooked them up and cast the line.

8:50 am

9:00 am

Godsamck fish!!!

Eat the stinking bait already!!

Yeah it's supposed to be dead!!

You eat live shrimp now?!!

10:00 am

I was still cursing the fishes

10:10 am

I jumped into the water and tried to grab the fishies with my greasy hands,

10:15 am

Kang aku kencing kat korang.

I got so fed up and was so close to taking off my pants when suddenly......

Some midget African guy in his panties came out of the bushes with a spear, katana, and m16.

Bloddy Bop Bangers!!!

I pulled up my pants and ran staright into the car.


Went home.

Showered and wrote a draft of this post.

5:00 pm (couldn't remember anything in between)

Went to the playbround with God of Fire E and cuz Aimi.

We left her to play alone while we tried to burn the playground.

Too bad cause I couldn't hold the fire long enough to incinerate the area.

My angelic fingers nearly got burnt.

5:40 pm

We had to leave cause little Aimi was scared of our insane antiques.

6:10 pm

God what a long walk.

6:25 pm

Left for home. my real home.

6:30 pm

Got home. To my real home.

8:10 pm

Arrived at school for taekwondo.

I was scouting for the Korean trainer.

That dude is simply obsessed with taekwondo.

On some occasions we had to stay and train fo three hours.

Get a life man!

8:17 pm approximately ( I had to take of my watch for training)


She's in taekwondo too?

I never knew.

minutes past 8:17 pm

Suganya came.

She too?

The 2 people I least expected to show up at our class.

9:00 pm perhaps

Poomse training.

We had to practice our patterns for the upcoming exam.

The five of you do taegeuk 8, by number. Ready?

Suba and Suganya looked clueless.

Amir, do it slowly so I can follow.

Well frankly ladies I'm not sure about the pattern myself.

My face was turning blue holding myself from laughing.

Amir, do what now?

Just tembak only lah....

1:20 am

posted this darned article