Saturday, July 4, 2009

a week unblogged

I apologize too..... well..... myself.
I suppose.
For not writing in ages.
Maybe the blog's dying.
Its only being kept alive by life supports and meds the past week.

yeah its sad and pathetic.

shut up!

I know better!

just lengthening the post.

An ill wind blew last week.(I'm very aware that it was a long time ago but just let me write will ya?)
I was in rampai beating the drums till the ceiling crashed down(that was so exaggerated).

when we finished, Tengku and I, it was still pouring.
So he started to sing Winds Of Change in hopes the rain would blow another way.
he sang while I drummed to the beat, hitting a stairway handrail with plastic bottles.
Too bad for us it rained heavier.
So we just kept jamming.

then, just when I had lost hope of seeing sunrise the next day thinking the rain would cause a massive flood that would drown me,
As a beam of light from the 7 heavens shone thru the dark clouds shrouding the skies
a cab stopped right in front of us.


so I got back to school and whooeeeeeeee did the storm blow hard.
but who cares anyway?(don't wanna explain what happened)

the next week some people came to fix the school roof.
a string of tennis nets were tied together at th3rd floor shards of tiles and whatsoever plummeting to earth.

I was hoping a big piece falls on my head and kills me.
that way i won't have to worry about year end exams anymore.

then suneeta or suweeta or sumeeta, either one, sorry that I'm unsure, came to town.
more to our class la.
we nearly screwed up our bio experiment. pn jun got so angry and started scolding and yelling at everyone.
then she pindah to azam.

then friday night came.
I thought I'd see some familiar faces showing up for tae kwon do but I thought wrong.
hopefully I'll see you at tomorrow's class if you're reading this. you'd better come!

well todey went to pv with skemazillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(stretch the aaaa till you run out of breath. then continue for 3 consecutive breaths)
he wore all black while I was sporting all white.
Yin and Yang

watched stupid transformers after 10 days since the opening day.
pretty lame and sad. I know

I've been hearing these a lot lately
OMG! Megan Foxx so hottttt!
She turned me gay
I wanna b#ng her so hard!!

well what makes you think I care?!

She's not god for me to worship and she lives on the otherside of the world for all I care.

So later on I went out cycling
and totalled my bike
I crashed near wangsa ceria
and home was in Gombak

oh carp

this morning I had a nightmare(wth's it got to do with the storyline?)
I was in bilik probim with some other people
I was joking around with them
we were all laughing till i stretched one too far.
She got really offended and started crying

then she stormed out of class
I chased after her
grabbed her hand and turned her around
tears were rolling down her cheeks

of carp what've I done

I started crying myself and yeah I cry! so what! a guy's a human too!

then I said blah blah blah
she replied, saying blah blah blah

then she spoke some deep words that left me standing frozen
then left me in grief

I woke up and showered

and I miss you I miss you