Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the list of all lists

  1. i did my bio hmwrk
  2. it's too dark to cycle 2 day
  3. i feel so cold
  4. i want everything i can't have
  5. i'm gonna get a haircut
  6. i have stomachache from swallowing all that air when burping this morning
  7. i'm gonna fix my bike someday
  8. i still reject the idea of owning a phone
  9. i need a new pair of drumsticks
  10. i need to jam
  11. goin to 1 utama this weekend
  12. shut up u stupid cat
  13. i love apples
  14. banana is my secret part time lover
  15. don't tell apple bout it kay
  16. facebook sucks
  17. thanuja sucks
  18. i had to say it
  19. no offense eh?
  20. the haze is returning so is there pj on thursday?
  21. the story i'm writing is not finished yet
  22. go away
  23. you're still here
  24. ....
  25. well i said leave
  26. didn't you hear me?
  27. turn up you're speaker
  28. still nothing?
  29. r u deaf?
  30. i'm sorry
  31. this blog is off limits to the telinga badak ones
  32. annoyed now?
  33. not yet?
  34. what if i tell you i'm watching you right now?
  35. yep there
  36. i see you
  37. no you don't have to turn around
  38. you won't find whatever you're looking for
  39. how's it feel now?
  40. i'll tell you a little secret
  41. i've been watching
  42. you've been a very interesting specimen to observe
  43. too bad though
  44. i've spotted some defects in you
  45. you know what that means
  46. your existence no longer serve purpose to anything
  47. soon you will be terminated
  48. no don't expect the same mercy execution you see in the movies
  49. what you'll experience will be much more excruciating

kay someone help me finish it cuz i dam lazy