Thursday, July 23, 2009

just say it

I hentamed this story cuz I dam bored
read slowly and kill time

so there was this guy
his name was sorry i kinda forgot
he was just another regular guy
charm, wit, looks, all about average
the type who never really cares too much about life
to him his life only carried the purpose of serving others
he was pretty much the blend-into-the-background person
just another person who comes and goes
someone whose existence was hardly acknowledged

he worked an everyday 9 to 5 job at a law firm barely sustaining life
he blamed fate to have doomed him with such a dull life
one that would carry on till his final breath

at night his mind would ponder
searching for past memories
memories once upon a time
times when he had never felt happier
times when no news was bad news
times when no obstacle could shake him
times when the words grief, alone, pain did not exist in his vocab
times when he,
was in love

she was a thing of beauty
the shining sun at the break of dawn
rare and invaluable
whose words were so kind
humble and forgiving
heart-tender. golden

for him it was love at first sight

they first met at a very young age
of 10
from first glance he knew he was looking at someone special

his heart felt an urgent need to befriend her even before he knew her name

the first two months he never had the nerves to face her

he felt outclassed in her presence

as classmates, he thought, was the closest he'd ever get to her

until fate decided to lend a hand to this sorry boy

their teacher came in class one day, grouped everyone in pairs and assigned each pair a project
he was the only one without a partner
coincidentally the girl was absent that very day
to his delight, his teacher paired them together
his face gleamed bright red

their task was easy
all they had to do was plant a tree and take care of it

he was very nervous
it was the first time they were as close to each other
all the while he had only observed her beauty from the other end of the room
he had always admired her looks from afar but when he saw her face up close one word came to mind-magnificent

she was a brunette
straight and shiny hair lightly touching her shoulders
her what you call 'sepet' eyes hid away the dark amber pupils she was gifted with
her nose neither too high nor too low
her lips were thin and dyed in cherry pink
her smile, her smile hinted a glimpse of what us mortals call heaven

everyday he would take her to the roof to water the plant
it was a smell fern tree
he was determined to take care of the plant for it played the part of igniting their friendship
day by day the plant grew and so did their friendship

they'd only just started knowing each other for some weeks but he knew she would forever hold a spot inside his soul

months passed
they became closer and closer
the best of friends
partners in everything
never came a day when he failed to walk her home from school
on fine days they'd walk to the playground and take turns pushing one another on the swing
occasionally they'd stroll the neighborhood on their bicycles


months turned in to years
time flew right under their noses
she aged beautifully
they had been friends for nearly 16 years now
their bond was as close as any 2 human beings can be
what started many years ago as a minor crush had now bloomed into love

neither side had professed their feelings for the other
every time they met though his face blushed
his heart would pound
his bloodstream races
he would feel so warm and comforted by her presence

they met daily at the park across the street where she lived
flowers he would present to her whenever they went out
the sweetest words he spoke to her
all to make her more in love with him

one day he walked towards the park directly from the office
daisies he brought for her today
her favourite
today after so long he would finally confess his feelings for her
he was dressed in his best apparel
some calvin klein sprayed on
and the red silk tie she gave him upon landing his first job

the park was almost insight
his smile was ear to ear
ready to greet her with a friendly hello

no sign of her yet
maybe she's late
i'll just wait for her

time flew by
soon the evening turned to dusk
he gave her a call
hoping to at least hear her voice
instead the call was redirected to her voice mailbox

i'll just see her tomorrow then
he said disappointingly

tomorrow came
again he waited
still she was absent

his emotions unsettled
he knew something was wrong
she never missed any of their dates
he tried calling her
this time her phone was unreachable
he became more worried

hurriedly he left towards her house
the doorbell rang but the door was kept shut
he took out a set of her spare house keys
she told him to only use it for emergencies

now's an emergency isn't it?

he unlocked the door and called her name
all he could hear was silence
immediately he searched the room for her
to his grief she was found lying on the floor
in front of the stairs
slowly breathing
body temperature searing
desperate to save her , he started wailing for help
shiveringly he dialed the ambulance

his eyes teared

she had fallen down the stairs landed on her chest
the impact had paralyzed her lungs
for five days she lay unconscious
the doctor said she was only surviving on meds and life supports
chances of recovery was slim

her stillness tore his heart like paper
every minute he prayed for her
at night he would sleep with his hand in hers
hoping to wake up to her smile the next morning
to tell her
how much he loved her

she never woke up


he swore never to love another again

dam freakin lame nak mampos