Saturday, August 22, 2009

the spy who killed eveyrbody (cuz an empty stomach slows down the brain)

chapter 2

HIROSHIMA, Japan. February 4th
Hiroshima Convention Centre

The clock struck 11:35
In just short of an hour, Fujiko would make his speech to inaugurate the 21st Japan Int Trade Expo
The agents had little time to operate
With the place packed to the brim, the success of the mission is even further jeapordized

We can't screw this up Luqman
Like that's gonna happen
Think of the circumstances we're facing

The situation sparked Agent 13's doubts
The mission required great precision and stealth
Two criterias she didn't think Luqman still had in check

Already in his fifties
Luqman looked another senior citizen
He appeared as a filthy rich retitree who swings his club in the bunker over and over just to find an excuse to yell at someone
He was wealthy, no doubt
All his years serving the government as a special ops agent paid him very well
Now with a beach house in the Carribean he lives in solitude
His son, ajunkie would drop by every now and then
Each time begging for a slice of his father's bread to feed his desire for drugs
Six years since he had last been in service
Six damned years of golf, whiski, women

Sure you're up for this?
As sure as you can never be of me

She smiled at him
Godspeed mi amor

Lets roll

The two went out of his red Camaro and headed towards the building
A huge crowd gathered at the entrance, waiting in turns to be allowed in
Luqman found the backdoor entrance
Damn there's a guard there
A threat to be neutralized

Luqman was not in best shape forn hand-to-hand combat
He had a huge lobster dinner and had not berlabur yet this morning
Any sudden movements would mean a very embarassing defeat to a peasant of an oponent
The guard was just a midget
Luqman was already too old to think as rasionally
What he did was take out his silenced rpg from his pocket
Took aim and lay his finger on the trigger

Sweet Mother have mercy on his soul

The innocent midget's body was disintergrated in a faint thud

He got through the door and rushed up the stairs to the security quarters
A master of deception, Luqman disguised himself as a helpless 50 year old in desperate need to take a 12-pound sh1t
He knocked on the metal plated hard wood door
He could feel his brittle knuckles swelling

Voices he heard from the inside
Of someone squealing and farting aggresively, both at the same time
After a few minutes of revolting sound effects the door unlocked
The door was only opened halfway
The security officer was sweating
The room gave an unpleasent odour
Fresh crap
Sorry to keep you waiting sir
The keys need to be swallowed everytime the door's locked
Stupid company policy

Now the trusty spy needed to crap
He pretended to fall in agony
The compassionate officer bent down to see to him
In a split second Luqman found the opportunity to reach his hand to the officer's groin and forcefuly twisted whatever he got hold of

said the officer in a whisper of torture as he fell unconscience

Luqman browsed all of the cctv screens searching for infantry positions
He radioed agent 13
Snipe on the skylight
A pair at the agriculture booth
Ones waiting at the observing the event from the lounge
You take the pair and the brawler at the lounge
I'll handle the sniper
Why do I have to pick on three guys at once?
Who's the frail old chestnut talking here?

36 minutes till the speech
