Saturday, August 15, 2009

the spy who killed everybody

chapter 1

TAGANROG, Russia. Mid Jan 2004

Winter was at its peak, blowing the harshest and coldest winds
The snow had settled itself well on the small seaport vincity
Layers of ice had formed on every static surface since the ice storm nights before

As the sun sets the whole city froze
Not a soul could be sighted wandering aimlessly on the streets, though one would occasionally bump into a drunkard who'd just arrived back from a voyage at sea

Tonight was especially cold
The town was dead in slumber
Everything seemed to shine dimly under the moonlight due to the thin ice covering

Tonight though was no ordinay night
Footsteps were heard of someone desperately rushing
Soon more pairs of steps joined
The noise echoed through the back alleys of the port

Marco Vedic's shirt was stained in red
his body had been stabbed with a butter knife below the left shoulder blade
Breathing was a pain
Exhausted and wounded, Marco lost all his strength and dropped to the pavement
His vision began to blur
His mouth was full of blood

The persuers eventually caught on to see him fighting to breath with his lungs drowning in his own blood
With a gloved hand the persuer took out his gun from the lower left section of his underwear
He took aim directly at Marco's left atrium
Determined not to make a scene he fired 7 rounds of his jackhammer at his target with the presicion of a brain surgeon
Die, pussy!!!

There was a huge gaping hole through Marco's body but no, the perpetretor was not satisfied
He left him a souvenir in the form of a hand grenade just to make his point clear

HIROSHIMA, Japan. february 4th

Luqman was already awake and dressed
He seemed twitchy and restless, circling around his penthouse suite at the Hilton Hotel
Coffee had always made him hyper
On his bed was Agent 13 still in deep slumber
They had been sharing a room for the past week
Interacting very actively at night
Sometimes in early mornings too
Get up woman
Some big day we're facing

She moaned a few times, whlie still half asleep in a dream
Her cries aroused his lust
Just a little longer
Damn if not for the assignment today I'd have never left bed

She got up and got dressed
they left the building in 10

Briefing was done through the telephone
with details kept simple
For the past 7 months, the CIA had been on their toe observing trading of guns between infantry bases in
Russia and Japan
Japan's trade minister, Fujio F Fujiko was the one believed to have authorized the entrance of the firearms into the country
Fujiko had become the main suspect as in the last five months he had made several trips to Russia declaring that they were simply visits to his private ski lodge in the foreign land
Another reason was because his wealth had been growing and the source of income could not yet be confirmed
Motives for the smuggling are still in question
However, there are rumors about of involvement of the Yakuza, buying the guns in the black market at a bargain price from an unknown supplier

The mission though, was not to detain Fujiko, instead, to keep him out of harm
He was not only under surveillance of CIA but he was also under the look out of an extremist anti-corruption terrorist organization dubbed as ABC ( a real organization)
Fujiko had been receiving a string of threats, blackmails etc from ABC
These letters though were not acknowledged
Out of desperation, the terrorist were reduced to their last resort
To abduct the Trade Minister and force all smuggling activities to a halt

The procedure was simple yet very delicate
They were to prevent the kidnapping without fully neutralizing the terrorists' plan
