Friday, August 7, 2009

pappadappappappappapadadadada (decoy. after too long)

plain grounds
location : arizona, us
time : 0730
altitude 100,013 feet

still climbing
pretty cold up here
stupid jumpsuit ain't keeping me warm anyway


a big black high altitude balloon was seen as a tiny dot in the sky
steeply it ascended
a person, it carried
a person on a mission
a mission she was born to accomplish

another average girl next door she was
an aspiring dentist
easy going go getter
so much so unexpected she was the first Malaysian to ever attempt a crack at the Highest Freefall Jump World Record

much was talked about some week or two before she embarked on this glorious feat
her physicality seemed rather unfit for this mountaining task
indeed slim n skimpy she appeared to some
but her spirit was indomitable
a jump from the seven heavens wouldn't do as much as to shake her

temp was very low
to call it chilly was like calling the artic, hell
from up here i could see.........ummm........well......
the earth was just a collage of brown blue and green
she was afloat at the very edges of space
only gravity kept her on course

the altitude rose to nearly 102,700 feet
hell yeah
the tension built
in moments she would be making her giant leap of faith

todays jump need not be endeavoured in the first place
as she had always enjoyed skydiving
for the thrill
for the wind rushing through her hair
the fear of a faulty chute
but for the world,
she would tell you.
through the 50 seconds of freefall she felt nothing but absolute freedom

the record attempt was merely her way of proving to the world
that she was like no other
that someone as ordinary can achieve the extraordinary

103,001 feet
here goes
she took a deep breath from her oxygen supply mask
her eyes began to close
God hear me now, keep me safe

she stepped off

her eyes remained shut
trying to calm her nerves
she was nearly 10 times higher than she had ever been
slowly her eyes opened
My God
she whispered
the view of the globe was breathtaking
the cold was murderous
but her heart began to feel warmth
for she was doing what she did best
she was doing what she loved the most

she was gaining more speed
faster and faster every second of her descent
accelerating nearly up to the speed of sound
five minutes she was in the air
she lost the sense of time
everything seemed to move slower than her

at 2000 feet her chute deployed
she breathed a sigh of relief
from where she was she could see a crowd gathered to welcome her
they seem to be cheering but nothing was to be heard

I made it
I actually did
a big smile shone on her face
the crowd celebrated her in ecstacy

from the sea of people a little girl approached her
she bent down to meet her
the girl called out the name of the new world record holder


when I grow up I want to do something great like you

she teared