Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the spy who killed everybody. (NICD)

chapter 3

HIROSHIMA, Japan. February 4th
Hiroshima Convention Center

It was now six minutes to twelve
A little over a half hour left to complete their task

Agent 13 was on a balcony on the 2nd floor
Overlooking the whole perimeter of the convention grounds
From above the two men at the agricultural booth looked liked just like apart of the crowd
They were both properly dressed and were behaving like a pair of naive tourists eager to browse whatever the booths had to offer
Only a keen eye could spot the terrorists from the lot
Indeed they were blending in pretty well but no trained eye could miss the ak-47s they were lugging on their backs

I see hostile
A female maybe in her twenties, Caucasian
The male seems a bit older, probably in his forties, black
Copy that,13

The agents needed to move quick

Agent 13 made her her way down a spiralling starirway to heaven to the convention florr
Silently she moved across the bustling crowd towards the terrorist
Not wanting to raise suspicions in an the already seemingly anxious terrorists

With the distance cleared up she crept closer hoping to find an opening to try and disable their firearms
At first none cared to look around to notice her
She felt confident of apprehending them with ease as she had done times before
Times when the infantry were too busy with their goal to stay on their guards
13 felt disgusted by this
She thought that she was just playing a small part to neutralize the enemy
Just because I'm a Bee yacht
she spoke in her mind
How sexist to think of females as a minor threat

Luqman was scrolling through the screens for the last time to confirm the enemy's location
Browsing roughly he spotted the muscular man from the lounge moving closer towards 13
The man was reaching for something under his jacket
A silenced berretta
He quickly contacted her
Your cover's blown
Your cover's blown

A rush of panic pulsed through her whole body
Two years of undercover work was destroyed
This had never happened before
She thought
In all 5 operations she participated, this was the first to fail
And to watch it right in front of her very eyes shattered her

The armed couple pulled their guns forth
She froze in fear
Held at gunpoint, she knew her fate had been sealed
She drew a large breath
She prayed for Luqman to be saved from all this in her last moments

The gunshot thundered across the corners of the room

She collapsed on the marble floor coughing blood between her teeth as her vision reduced to black

The floor quaked as the panicked crowd hurried to the exit ways

Hell no
Luqman said in deepest remorse

A tall dark figure emerged from behind Luqman
Oh no, my friend....

Luqman turned his head
In an instant the man delivered a near fatal blow at Luqman's chest with the butt of his M5

Hell yes................